Weather Dock for Mac 4.5.0 中文破解版下载 – 优秀的Dock栏天气预报工具 2019年03月04日 ⁄ 天气交通 ⁄ 共 335字 ⁄ 阅读 1,195 次 Weather Dock 是一款Mac上优秀的Dock栏天气预报工具,今天和大家分享最新的 4.5 版本,支持中文界面,只需扫一眼底座Dock图标就能了解当前的. Seasonality Core is the complete weather center for your Mac. View weather at any of the 34,000 built-in locations in more than 200 countries, or add your own custom weather location to view even more precise data. Seasonality gives you an accurate 7 day forecast, graphs of past weather conditions, a custom satellite/radar image, and.
- Seasonality Core 2 4 5 – Complete Weather Forecast Application Template
- Seasonality Core 2 4 5 – Complete Weather Forecast Application Printable
- Seasonality Core 2 4 5 – Complete Weather Forecast Application System
Weather Forecast and Weather Forecast Accuracy for Your City 5-day weather forecasts for the United States in a nice, easy to read format, AND the 1- to 3-day out accuracy of other weather forecasters (Accuweather, The Weather Channel,, Intellicast, and the National Weather Service) including links to their forecasts. Open Reel Software. Aether is a ham radio logging application that includes tools to quickly and easily log QSOs while on the air, as well as organize, search and track your QSOs later. A handy tool to help weblog and website editing by making HTML markup easier.
3DWeather 简介:
3DWeather for Mac是一款风格惊人的天气信息显示应用。它可让您在桌面上保留一个3D动画小部件,以生成当前天气状况的风景画。人们还可以隐藏小部件并从Menubar访问应用程序。这就是它变得非常容易和快速获得最新的天气更新和Weather Dock预测,当你需要他们。将鼠标悬停在小部件上并等待一段时间。弹ClassicWeather Premium出式窗口将Weather Dock自动显示基本天气详情和统计数据。
该应用程序永远不会变得单调,看起来很老,因为像季节一样,它会改变它的外观。 3DWeather包含了不同场景,场所和氛围的主题。
3DWeather从Weather Underground获取天气统计信息,这是全球范围内迄今为止最准确和最详细的天气预报提供商。
- 湿度
- 露点
- 紫外线指数
- 风寒
- 热度指数
- 可见性
- 百分比降水
- 以毫米为单位的降水量
- 上次更新时间的日落和日出时间
- 未来36小时的每小时天气预报
- 未来4天的每日天气预报
- 在应用程序中最多保存10个位置。
- 登录时打开应用程序。
- 从菜单栏浏览天气预报。
- 在温度状态下在码头使用天气图标。
- 在桌面上的任何东西上的浮动小部件。
- 调整小部件的透明度。
- 从四种不同的小部件尺寸中选择。
- 使用声音在通知中心获取天气警报。
- 从其他天气信息提供商获取提要,并在应用中使用它。
- 更改应用中可用的2个不同图标集的天气图标。
- 查看'窗口样式'中的天气信息和预测,然后从该窗口全屏查看。
- 免费的未来更新与保证新主题。
3DWeather is an impressive weather application for Mac that shows weather information in an amazing style. It lets you keep a 3D animated widget on the desktop that generates scenic representation of the present weather condition. One can also hide the widget and access the app from Menubar. This is how it becomes super easy and quick to get latest weather updates and forecast whenever you need them.
Hover over the widget and wait for some time. A pop up window will automatically appear with the basic weather details and statistics.
The app will never get monotonous and look old to you, because, like seasons, it will change it's look. 3DWeather comes packed with themes featuring different scenes, places and atmosphere.
It has a total of 21 themes, containing different natural elements and atmosphere. We've been constantly updating 3DWeather with new themes and features to make it an ideal weather app for you.
3DWeather lets you customize it to such extent that it will become your very own personal weather assistant.
3DWeather fetches weather stats from Weather Underground which is the most accurate and detailed weather forecast provider available world wide till date. Ifoto converter 2 4 – batch conversion.
- Humidity
- Dew Point
- UV index
- Wind chill
- Heat index
- Visibility
- Precipitation in percentage
- Precipitation in mm
- Sunset and Sunrise timing with last update time
- Hourly weather forecast for the next 36 hours
- Daily weather forecast for the next 4 days
You will get timely weather alert directly sent to the Notification Center about recent updates and developments on weather throughout the day.
- Save up to 10 locations in the app.
- Open app at login.
- Browse weather forecast from Menu Bar.
- Use weather icon in dock with temperature status.
- Float widget on top of everything in Desktop.
- Adjust transparency of widget.
- Choose from four different widget sizes.
- Get weather alert in Notification Center with sound.
- Get feeds from other weather info provider and use it in the app.
- Change weather icons from 2 different icon sets that is available in the app.
- View weather info and forecast in Window Style and view it in fullscreen from there.
- Free future updates with new themes guaranteed.
So, download 3DWeather today and embrace a new approach of displaying weather forecast which is both informative and delightful to look at.
3DWeather lets you customize it to such extent that it will become your very own personal weather assistant.
3DWeather fetches weather stats from Weather Underground which is the most accurate and detailed weather forecast provider available world wide till date. Ifoto converter 2 4 – batch conversion.
- Humidity
- Dew Point
- UV index
- Wind chill
- Heat index
- Visibility
- Precipitation in percentage
- Precipitation in mm
- Sunset and Sunrise timing with last update time
- Hourly weather forecast for the next 36 hours
- Daily weather forecast for the next 4 days
You will get timely weather alert directly sent to the Notification Center about recent updates and developments on weather throughout the day.
- Save up to 10 locations in the app.
- Open app at login.
- Browse weather forecast from Menu Bar.
- Use weather icon in dock with temperature status.
- Float widget on top of everything in Desktop.
- Adjust transparency of widget.
- Choose from four different widget sizes.
- Get weather alert in Notification Center with sound.
- Get feeds from other weather info provider and use it in the app.
- Change weather icons from 2 different icon sets that is available in the app.
- View weather info and forecast in Window Style and view it in fullscreen from there.
- Free future updates with new themes guaranteed.
So, download 3DWeather today and embrace a new approach of displaying weather forecast which is both informative and delightful to look at.
Seasonality Core 2 4 5 – Complete Weather Forecast Application Template
Seasonality Core 2 4 5 – Complete Weather Forecast Application Printable
Seasonality Core 2 4 5 – Complete Weather Forecast Application System
版本 | 语言 | 更新时间 | 应用大小 | 下载 |
3.4 - TNT | 英文 | 2019-07-20 | 24 MB | |
3.3 - TNT | 英文 | 2019-06-23 | 24 MB | |
3.2 - TNT | 英文 | 2019-04-26 | 24 MB | |
3.1 - TNT | 英文 | 2018-12-07 | 24 MB | |
3.0 - TNT | 英文 | 2018-06-01 | 22.5 MB | |
2.1.1 - TNT | 英文 | 2018-06-01 | 23.1 MB |